Semenax Review→【THE TRUTH❗️✋】Semenax Pills - Does It Work for Sperm Function and Libido?


Semenax Review→【THE TRUTH❗️✋】Semenax Pills - Does It Work for Sperm Function and Libido?

Semenax Review - A means to increase semen volume and sexual potency?

Semenax sexual enhancer has been on the market for more than 15 years and is enthusiastically advertised on the internet as a remedy for erectile dysfunction andsperm enhancer.


The reports speak of more power, more intense reflections and more energy. But does the product deliver what it promises? Read on and find out how Semenax performs in the testimonials.

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Semenax Pills: how can they help

Did you know that erectile dysfunction is more common than you thought?

Erectile dysfunction, also known as impotence, is a common condition that affects many men and makes life difficult for them.

The issue is covered up in public, in part because those affected are often ashamed of their problem. However, many men suffer from potency problems, especially later in life, as the disease usually occurs in men over a certain age.

So you are by no means alone with your problem!

If we look at men between 60 and 70 years old, we can see that approximately 53% are affected by potency problems and use capsules to solve the problem, that is, to increase libido.

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Semenax Review: Does It Work for Sperm Function and Libido?

If you’ve heard of Semenax, you might be curious if the herbal supplement can really enhance semen production, among the other male-targeted promises for better sex.

We dug into the claims to provide this comprehensive review, including a look at its ingredients and how likely the product is to work.

Spoiler alert: We don’t recommend Semenax, because it’s not likely to be effective. However, we will cover some other safer, more effective alternatives.

What exactly is impotence from a medical point of view?

The term "impotence" describes various diseases that impair a man's sexual performance. It is a generic term that essentially encompasses three subareas:

  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Anejaculation
  • Sterility

Erectile dysfunction is the most common form of the disease. In men, it is manifested by the inability to get or maintain an erection. In younger men, the trigger for the disease is usually psychological.

Examples of this are fear of failure or stress. In old age, organic causes can generally be responsible for the development of erectile dysfunction. An example is problems with blood pressure.

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Semenax Reddit - the answer finding the right sexual enhancer?

If you search the Internet for test reports and reviews, you will quickly find what you are looking for. The providers of sexual enhancers are overflowing with advertising promises and promises about the perfect effect of the products.

But not all advertised products deliver on their promises and some are even dangerous for the customer. Therefore, you should thoroughly educate yourself about products like Semenax before deciding to take them.

Many alleged test reports are false. Oftentimes this is already visible in the structure of the site, as we have discovered when searching for information about Semenax. However, we will talk about this in more detail later.

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What is Semenax?

Semenax is a supplement produced by a company called Leading Edge Health.

It’s marketed as a “male wellness” product — or, more specifically, a semen-increasing supplement.

This product makes some bold claims, with promises to enhance semen production, boost sexual pleasure, and deliver longer orgasms.

Pros of Semenax

  • no reported side effects
  • may improve ejaculations
  • money-back guarantee
  • free shipping

Cons of Semenax

  • not likely to be effective, based on studies and research that currently exist on the brand
  • cost is high, at $79.95 for a 1-month supply

How Semenax Works?

The sperm ducts in the testicles are responsible for the production of sperm. These tubular structures produce sperm through the process of spermatogenesis.

They then mature for a day in a series of canals behind the testicles, the so-called epididymis. During sexual activity, sperm passes through the ejaculation channels and through the urethra.

A matter of volume

As with so many other aspects of masculinity, many men worry about the issue of volume. Although volume is not the only factor, many men believe that penis dimensions alone can provide information on bedroom performance.

They often think that they are more masculine when they have a longer penis. In terms of male climax, you may know that men experience orgasm when the muscles contract and relax rapidly. As for the duration of the pleasure, it lasts until the fluid intake is exhausted.

Therefore, it is assumed that men with a larger penis can automatically satisfy women better. For men who want to increase their sperm count and achieve a better orgasm, herbal products are the best and safest way.

However, it can often be difficult to find the most effective ingredients among the wide range of products available.

Semenax ingredients

Semenax is said to be formulated with a proprietary blend of natural amino acids and herbal concentrates from Europe, China, and South America.

Dr. Jessica Yih, a urologist at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center says that, while some ingredients are ones that have been studied, with some limited evidence to suggest effectiveness, the dosages may be too low to be effective.

2018 study reported that zinc supplementation combined with weight training was helpful in boosting testosterone levels.

2015 study

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 showed that maca has fertility-enhancing properties in men.

However, both of these studies were small, and more research is needed.

Along with zinc and maca, here are some other Semenax ingredients:

  • Swedish pollen flower
  • L-arginine HCL
  • L-lysine
  • epimedium leaf (better known as “horny goat weed”)
  • L-carnitine
  • catuaba bark
  • pumpkin seed
  • vitamin E
  • pine bark extract
  • muira puama
  • hawthorn berry
  • cranberry
  • wild oat straw
  • sarsaparilla

Does Semenax work?

It’s not likely that Semenax is effective.

There are plenty of anecdotal reports online about the product acting as something of a miracle product. But, at this time, there are no studies or any research from credible sources that support the brand’s claims.

Additionally, a 2020 study reported that only a quarter of these types of supplements have any research backing up their claims.


⛔ Semenax Official Site

What effect does the manufacturer of Semenax pills promise?

Semenax is advertised as a dietary supplement designed to enhance male orgasm and increase sperm count. In addition, the manufacturer promises more fun in bed and more self-confidence.

This is due to the male ego, which increases in direct relation to increased sexual performance. The advertising focuses on the natural ingredients, the proven efficacy of the product and the many years of experience of the manufacturer.

Semenax before and after results

Your sperm count should increase after one month of taking this product:

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What ingredients are contained in Semenax?

Semenax consists of 100% natural ingredients. According to the manufacturer, the formula was developed 15 years ago and continually improved.

Many of the ingredients come from traditional medicine and have been used in folk medicine for a long time. Below you will find a list of the ingredients and how they work.


17 Powerful Ingredients to Boost Semen Production That Are Hard to Find

There are some ingredients that are powerful to act in the production of semen that unfortunately you don't find in food in the necessary proportion.

Remembering that you can find all these ingredients in the SEMENAX FORMULA in the NECESSARIA PROPORTION.

Are they:

  • Semenax® Ingredients
  • The ingredients of the Semenax Formula are known, BUT, no matter how much you eat everything and in large quantities; you will never be able to ingest all of them in the necessary concentration that your body needs to produce the desired effect.
  • Only Semenax has powerful ingredients in the right amount to increase semen volume naturally, raising a man's self-esteem. Check below:

Swedish Flower Pollen

  • Pollen, as the male cell of the plant kingdom, has a well-deserved reputation for extra vim, vigor, and volume. It provides all the bio factors that are the precursors for the sex hormones and micro-nutrients essential for a healthy reproductive system.
  • ⇒Semenax Official Website ⇒ Click HERE

L-Arginine HCL

  • Studies show that L-Arginine HCL supplementation can double sperm and semen volume, improve fertility, even among men with low sperm counts or poor sperm motility, and promote sperm health and activity, as well.


  • Researchers discovered that these amino acids in combination with zinc increase sperm production, stimulate testosterone production, and improve semen quality.

Epimedium Sagittatum

  • Sometimes called “horny goat weed,” this botanical boosts libido and testosterone levels for greater sperm production.
  • ⇒Semenax Official Website ⇒ Click HERE

Zinc Oxide & Zinc Aspartate

  • Zinc has been shown to increase overall male sexual function by as much as 200% by aiding in the production of testosterone. It’s also thought to make your semen both look and feel thicker in consistency, with a noticeably whiter tone. Zinc has been shown to be particularly effective when combined with L-lysine.


  • This amino acid occurs in high concentrations in healthy sperm. Research has proven it significantly increases the percentage of highly motile sperm, too.

Catuaba Bark

  • This Brazilian aphrodisiac has a long history of use since it was first discovered by the Tupi Indians. It’s commonly used to boost libido, enhance staying power, and improve overall mood (with anti-depressant qualities). It’s also considered to be a stimulant for the central nervous system.

Pumpkin Seed

  • Naturally high in zinc, pumpkin seed has shown to be useful in supporting overall prostate health, thereby helping to increase the health, volume and quality of semen. (See Zinc Oxide.)
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  • A study published in the Journal of Urology (April 2000) found that Maca helps increase sexual desire, potency, and energy – nearly DOUBLING the sexual activity of those test subjects who took it for 21 days!
  • This herbal found in the Andes has been used as far back as the Incas to boost energy and sexual function. It’s known for improving energy, stamina, and endurance and is thought by some to ameliorate infertility, though more research is required to establish this as fact.

Vitamin E

  • Vitamin E is an antioxidant that acts as a mild blood thinner. It’s good for your arteries and has shown to be beneficial for improving men’s sexual function. Many medical studies have been done showing that Vitamin E can help address curvature of the penis.

Pine Bark Extract

  • Pine bark extract is a rich source of OPCs (plant flavonoids) and has been sold in France for decades. It’s found to contain antioxidants that are highly useful for sexual function. Plus the OPCs stimulate nitric oxide production – essential for getting hard, thick erections. Beneficial effects have been found to kick in within 90 days of supplementation.

Muira Puama

  • Known as ‘potency wood’, this flowering shrub of the Amazon rainforest has a long history of medicinal use by the indigenous people of Rio Negro in South America. However, it really became known after Dr. Jacques Waynsberg at the Institute of Sexology (Paris) completed a study in 1990 where 62% of men who took muira puama extract experienced an increase in sex drive, and 51% of men reported improved erectile function. Muira puama is also thought to be excellent for improving libido, as well as increasing mental alertness.
  • ⇒Semenax Official Website ⇒ Click HERE


  • Used since the 19th century, Hawthorne is one of the most popular herbals prescribed in Europe today with its series of potent antioxidants and bioflavonoids that benefit the entire cardiovascular system. Of particular note for men interested in improving their erectile function, Hawthorne is excellent for improving blood circulation while strengthening blood vessel walls. Hawthorne helps to improve the intensity and hardness of your erections.

Cranberry Extract

  • This lesser-known aphrodisiac was first used by Native Americans and later by European settlers, though references to cranberry in relation to sexual fitness are found in Finland, too. It’s well known for promoting health of the urinary tract… but more recently, it’s gaining attention for its many benefits in promoting men’s sexual health. Cranberry extract is a source of several nutrients that are essential for optimal sexual health including Vitamin C and A. As well, it’s loaded with anti-oxidants and phytochemicals that are thought to increase frequency of sexual thoughts, as well as maintain erections.


  • Sarsaparilla (smilax ornata) has diuretic and restorative properties and may help address urinary problems. The steroidal-like substances in sarsaparilla are thought to help increase feelings of sexual desire in men.

Avena Sativa Extract

  • This extract of wild oat grass is thought to increase your levels of free testosterone by increasing levels of luteinizing hormone, making the testosterone more active. It’s thought to increase frequency of sexual thoughts and activity, and is recommended in combination with other potent herbals for improved erectile function.

Butea Superba

  • An aphrodisiac, this herb that grows in Thailand has been traditionally used by Thai men to boost sexual performance and libido.
  • ⇒Semenax Official Website ⇒ Click HERE

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Lysine and L-arginine

You may see lysine and L-arginine as some of the key ingredients driving the claims behind this supplement.

Although L-arginine has been studied as a possible treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED), no credible research supports the idea that lysine deficiency causes ED, or that L-lysine can enhance penis volume.

Yih says there’s also a lot of misinformation presented around this product.

She explains that only about 10 percent of semen is made up of sperm, while the rest of the fluid is from the prostate, urethral glands, and seminal vesicles.

“Even if you do produce more fluid from the prostate, urethra, and seminal vesicles, the intensity of orgasm is not likely to be directly related to the volume,” she says. “It actually has more to do with a person’s level of arousal and their pelvic floor muscle strength.”

She also says any supplement may have a significant placebo effect — as someone taking it is likely to start thinking more about sex, and may feel increased confidence, increasing their level of arousal.

Semenax safety and side effects

At this time, we couldn’t find any reported side effects linked to Semenax.

However, it’s worth noting that, just because a supplement is “natural,” it doesn’t mean it’s safe.

A 2019 study reported that only a small amount of herbal supplements have been thoroughly tested for toxicity or their potential to cause cancer.

Another 2019 study

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 showed that some herbal and dietary supplements, like those aimed at weight loss and sexual enhancement, include chemicals not listed on the labels.

It’s a good idea to talk with a doctor before taking any herbal supplements. This is even more important if you’re taking any medications.

Some herbal supplements may interact with medications or potentially make them less effective. 

Some supplements may interact with similar enzymes that metabolize medications, inhibiting the enzymatic function and increasing the duration or intensity of the medication. This can be especially problematic for medications, like blood thinners, since the blood may be much more than intended, leading to bleeding complications.

How much does Semenax cost?

Pricing for Semenax varies, though a 1-month supply typically retails for $79.95. Semenax’s pricing seems to drop per bottle if you purchase more than one bottle at a time.

The manufacturer says the product comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee.

⛔ Semenax Official Site


Semenax Customer Reviews

In a forum on erectile dysfunction, where we look around, the reviews on the product vary. Many users report anonymously about their experiences with the product.

Some emphasize that they are happy to order the product on account on Ebay or Amazon. Going to the pharmacy is often perceived as humiliating, which is why many men seek help late.

Some users say that the product does not work, while others report that success is only achieved after a few weeks.

The general consensus is that results are only visible when the recommended dosage is combined with increased water intake and exercise. Users do not report undesirable side effects, most of them recommend buying the capsules.

Review conclusion: should you order Semenax for sale?

Semenax is a natural food supplement and therefore cannot achieve the same effect as chemical boosting agents.

The manufacturer himself points out that a balanced diet, plenty of water and physical activity are necessary to effectively increase the amount of sperm. Only by taking these aspects into account can the product develop its full effect.

Reports on the experience of some users raise the question whether the capsules have any significant influence on increasing the number of sperm or whether the combination of water and a healthy diet should be held responsible for the positive reports of success.

In the end, the only thing left for anyone who is interested is the self-test. This is quite simple and straightforward due to the low price and easy handling. For a safe result and a guaranteed effect we recommend trying for at least 6 month to see full effects.

⛔ Semenax Official Site

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Semenax brand reputation and reviews

It doesn’t appear that the brand has any warning letters from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or any active lawsuits at this time.

Semenax has a profile on Trustpilot — a third-party consumer review website — and the comments and reviews are overall positive.

Satisfied users generally comment on how the supplement increased their semen quantity, with many saying they saw positive effects in as little as 3 days. Others say the product also lengthened their orgasms and boosted their intensity.

Alternatives to Semenax

There are plenty of alternatives you can try to get the results you’re hoping for if you’re shopping for a product like Semenax.

Here are some of Yih’s recommendations:

  • Actively think about sex more. Yih says this is the most natural way to increase your libido. “Plan date night[s], explore different ways of touching yourself or your partner… set the mood with romantic lighting and music, etc.” She says more time spent on foreplay will lead to more stimulation of the prostate, urethra, and seminal vesicles to secrete more fluid, leading to more semen production.
  • Increase your pelvic floor muscle. Yih suggests doing pelvic floor muscle exercises like kegels. “Kegels are not just for women. Men can do kegels to help improve their control over their ejaculation, increasing the time to ejaculation (if they have premature ejaculation) and strengthening the intensity of their ejaculation.”
  • Consider prescription medications. There are a few options available, including clomiphene and hCG. These increase testosterone levels, which can also improve erectile function and libido. Yih says it’s also important to note that, although direct testosterone supplementation with testosterone gel or injections is good for improving erectile function and libido, it will actually cause your testicles to stop producing sperm. Your ejaculate volume may increase, but the sperm counts will most likely decrease or stop production altogether. The following oral medications stimulate blood flow to your penis to help treat ED, if those are symptoms you’re also working to treat:
  • avanafil (Stendra)
  • sildenafil (Viagra)
  • tadalafil (Cialis)
  • vardenafil (Levitra, Staxyn)
  • Consider consulting a naturopathic doctor. There are plenty who specialize in natural remedies.
  • Consider taking certain vitamins. Yih says there’s evidence that antioxidant vitamins and supplements may improve male fertility. “Infertile men have a higher concentration of free radicals in their semen compared to fertile men. Free radicals attack the membrane that surrounds sperm.”

Here is the breakdown of vitamins Yih recommends:

  • vitamin C: 500 mg per day
  • selenium: 100 mcg per day
  • CoQ10: 200 mg per day (Yih points out that several studies show
  • Trusted Source
  •  CoQ10’s effectiveness in improving sperm count and motility)
  • vitamin E: 200 IUs per day
  • folic acid: 400 mcg per day
  • multivitamin: one that contains no more than 20 mg of zinc and no more than 200 IUs of vitamin E

If you decide to discuss this with a doctor, you can get started via telehealth, with HimsRoman, or Lemonaid.

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Frequently asked questions about Semenax

Do Semenax pills work?

Yih says that, while some ingredients have been studied, with some limited evidence to suggest effectiveness, the dosages may be too low to be effective.

Is Semenax safe?

Although Semenax parent company says the product doesn’t trigger any side effects, there are no studies backing this claim.

The product is produced by pharmaceutical manufacturers that are compliant with current good manufacturing practice (CGMP) Trusted Source

.⛔ Semenax Official Site

How long does it take for Semenax to work?

According to the brand, people may see results after taking Semenax for 2 weeks.

The company also gives a vague promise on the website, saying that, after “2 to 3 months of supplementation, you’re likely to be experiencing significantly superior ejaculations.”

However, Semenax is not scientifically proven to work.

The takeaway

Semenax is a supplement marketed to improve ejaculations.

Although the product contains some well-known, helpful ingredients — like certain amino acids and vitamins — it’s unlikely that this product will work as advertised. Additionally, it may simply offer users a placebo effect.

There are other alternatives available, like medications for ED and certain vitamins. There are further ways to improve your sex life, like actively thinking about sex more and creating stimulating environments for it to happen.

If you’re considering Semenax, it’s important to talk with your doctor first. Some herbal supplements may interact with medications.

Where to Buy Semenax Pills

Be very careful not to buy some similar products that do not contain the 17 powerful ingredients of Semenax Pills.

These similar ones don't work and are nothing more than placebos.

To buy Original Semenax Pills acesse the official WebSite Below:

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